
This chronological bibliography was first published by Claude Locas in the Harvard Theological Review, 66(2), April 1973, pp.177-206, along with the journal's official Minute on the Life and Services of the first Charles Chauncey Stillman Professor of Roman Catholic Theological Studies by Daniel Callahan, pp.166-176; and was updated by Dawson's biographer (and daughter) Christina Scott, A Historian and His World (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction, 1984), pp.247-259. 

Table of Abbreviations
AG  The Age of the Gods
BP Beyond Politics
CNA  Christianity and the New Age
CWE  The Crisis of Western Education
DG  The Dividing of Christendom
DWH The Dynamics of World History
ERC  Enquiries into Religion and Culture
HR  The Historic Reality of Christian Culture
JN  Judgement of the Nations
MD The Modern Dilemma
ME  Mediaeval Essays
MR  Mediaeval Religion
MWR  The Movement of World Revolution
PR  Progress and Religion
RA  The Revolt of Asia
RC  Religion and Culture
RMS  Religion and the Modern State
RWC  Religion and the Rise of Western Culture
TM  The Making of Europe
UE  Understanding Europe

'The Passing of Industrialism', The Sociological Review, no.12, 6-17. In ERC.
'The Nature and Destiny of Man', God and the Supernatural. Edited by Pr Cuthbert, O.F.S.C. London, Longmans Green & Co.

'On the Development of Sociology in Relation to the Theory of Progress', The Sociological Review, no.13, 75-83. In DWH.

'Cycles of Civilizations', The Sociological Review, no.14, 51-68. In ERC.
'Herr Spengler and the Life of Civilisations', The Sociological Review, no.14, 194-201. In DWH.

'The Evolution of the Modern City', Town Planning Review, no.10, 101-08. In DWH.
'Rome: a Historical Survey', The Sociological Review, no.15, 132-47; 296-312. (With Alexander Farquharson.)

'Progress and Decay in Ancient and Modern Civilizations' The Sociological Review, no.16, 1-11. In DWH.
'Scheme of British Culture Periods, and of their Relation to European Culture Development', The Sociological Review, no.16, 117-25.
‘Catholicism and Economics’, Blackfriars, May, June and July.

'Religion and the Life of Civilization', The Quarterly Review, no.244, 98-115. In ERC, DWH.
'Religion and Primitive Culture', The Sociological Review, no.17, 105-19.
'Civilization and Morals', The Sociological Review, no.17, 174-81. In ERC, DWH.

'Christianity and the Idea of Progress', The Dublin Review, no.180, 19-39.
'Crisis of the West', The Dublin Review, no.181, 261-77. In PR.
‘The Mystery of China', The Sociological Review, no.19, 279-303. In ERC.

The Age of the Gods: A study in the origins of culture in pre-historic Europe and the Ancient East. London, J. Murray. (New York, Sheed & Ward, I933)
'Revolt of the East and the Catholic Tradition', The Dublin Review, no.183, 1-14.

Progress and Religion: An historical enquiry into the causes and development of the idea of progress and its relationship to religion. London, Sheed & Ward. Paperback. Image Books. (New York, Doubleday and Company Inc., I960).
'The New Leviathan', The Dublin Review, no.185, 88-102. In ERC.

Christianity and Sex. Criterion Miscellany, no.13. London, Faber and Faber.
'Saint Augustine and His Age'. A Monument to Saint Augustine. A symposium by Martin C. D'Arcy and others. (New York, Dial Press). In ERC and partially in DWH.
'Islamic Mysticism', The Dublin Review, no.186, 34-61. In ERC.
'European Democracy and the New Economic Forces', The Sociological Review, no.22, 32-42.
'The Dark Mirror' with postscript on 'Spiritual Intuition in Christian Philosophy', The Dublin Review, no.187, 177-200. Postscript in ERC.
'The End of an Age', Criterion, 9(36).

Essays in Order. Edited by Christopher Dawson and T. F. Burns. London, Sheed & Ward, 1931-34. 14 vols. New series edited by Christopher Dawson and Bernard Wall. 1936. 2 vols.
General introduction to the series Essays in Order. Religion and Culture by Jacques Maritain. London, Sheed & Ward.
Christianity and the New Age. Essays in Order, No. 3. (New York: Macmillan; New York: Sheed & Ward, 1940).
Introduction to The Necessity of Politics by Carl Schmitt. Essays in Order, no.5. London: Sheed & Ward. (New York: Macmillan, 1931).
'Classical Tradition and the Origins of Mediaeval Culture', Studies, no.20, 209-24. In TM, ch. 3.
'Scholasticism and the Origins of the European Scientific Tradition', Clergy Review, no.2, 108-21.
'The Origins of the European Scientific Tradition: St. Thomas and Roger Bacon', Clergy Review, no.2, 195-203.
'New Decline and Fall', The English Review, no.52, 413-21.
'Problem of Wealth', The Spectator, no.147, 485.

The Making of Europe. An introduction to the history of European unity. London, Sheed & Ward. (New York: Meridian Books, 1958). Excerpts: 'The Carolingian Empire as an Embodiment of Christian Idealism'. Critical Issues in History. Edited by Thomas W. Africa, Richard E. Sullivan, and J. K. Sowards. (Boston: D. C. Heath and Co., 1967).
The Modern Dilemma: The Problem of European Unity. Essays in Order, no.5. (New York: Sheed & Ward).
'The Origins of the Romantic Tradition', Criterion, no.11, 222-48. In MR, ME.
'Dark Ages and Ireland', Studies, no.21, 259-68. In TM, ch. 9.
'New Decline and Fall', Commonweal, no.15, 320-22.
'Tribute to the Memory of Victor Branford', The Sociological Review, no.24, 24.
'Significance of Bolshevism', The English Review, 55, 239-50. Also in The American Review, no.1, Apr., 1933), 36-49. In ERC, DWH .

Enquiries Into Religion and Culture. (New York: Sheed & Ward; Freeport, N.Y.: Books for Library Press, I968. A reprint.)
The Spirit of the Oxford Movement. London: Sheed & Ward.
'William Langland: The Vision of Piers Plowman'. The English Way: Studies in English sanctity from St Bede to Newman. Edited by Maisie Ward. London, Sheed & Ward. In MR, ME.
'Religion and Life', The Dublin Review, no.142, 1-16. In ERC.
'The World Crisis and the English Tradition', The English Review, no.56, 248-60. In ERC, DWH.
'What the World Needs', Catholic World, no.137, 92-94. Extracts from The Dublin Review, no.142.
'Man and Civilization', Catholic World, no.31, 435-40; 458-60.
'Future Life: a Roman Catholic View', The Spectator, no.151, 889-90.
'Interracial Cooperation as a Factor of European Culture'. (Reale Accademia D'Italia: Convegno Volta 1932).

Mediaeval Religion and Other Essays. The Forwood Lectures, I934. London: Sheed & Ward.
'A Roman Catholic View'. After Death? The Spectator Booklets, no.3. London: Methuen.
Edward Gibbon. Proceedings of the British Academy, no.20. Separate publication, London, H. Milford. Also as the preface to the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon. Everyman Edition, London: J.M.Dent and Sons Ltd. (New York, E. P. Dutton and Co., 1954). In DWH.
'Sociology as a Science', Science for a New World. Edited by Sir Arthur Thomson and J. G. Crowther. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode. (New York: Harper Bros). In DWH.
'Prevision and Religion', The Sociological Review, no.26, 41-54. In DWH.
'Communism, Capitalism and the Catholic Tradition', Ave Maria, no.39, 695.
'Real Issue of the Conflict between Christianity and Marxism', Colosseum, no.1, 17-31.
'Rome, Ireland and the European Tradition', G.K.'S Weekly, no.20, 89-90.
'Last Words on Mr. DeBlaccam (and His Dislike for Rome)', G.K. 5 Weekly, no.20, 178-79.

Mediaeval Christianity. Studies in Comparative Religion, no. 25. London: Catholic Truth Society.
'Future of National Government', The Dublin Review, no.146, 236-51.
'Modern Dictatorship', (A Lingard Society lecture.) The Tablet, no.165, 509.
'Catholicism and the Bourgeois Mind', Colosseum, no.2, 246-56. In DWH.

Religion and the Modern State. London, Sheed & Ward.
Twelve Selections from Christopher Dawson. Sheed & Ward samplers. (New York: Sheed & Ward).
'The Re-making of Europe', The Tablet, no.167, 428-29.
'The Recovery of Spiritual Unity', Catholic World, no.143, 349-50.
'Religion in the Age of Revolution', The Tablet, no.168, 265-66; 301-02; 336-38; 477-79; 516-17; 549-51.
'Religion and Romanticism', Christendom, no.1, 577-92.

'Catholic Attitude to War', The Tablet, no.169, 365-68. In Catholic Digest, no.1, June, 15-19.
'Not Pacifists but Peacemakers', Catholic World, no.145, 102-104.
'Industrialism and Social Order', The Tablet, no.169, 625-26.
'Church, State and Community', The Tablet, no.169, 873-75; 909-10.
Contribution to 'Symposium on War and Peace', Colosseum, 3(13).

'The Kingdom of God in History'. The Kingdom of God in History: A Symposium. Edited by H.
C. Wood et al. London: George Allen. In DWH.
'Moral of Austria', The Tablet, no.171, 538.
'Social Factor in the Problem of Christian Unity', Colosseum, no.5, 7-15. In The Tablet, no.171, 529-31.
'Frontiers of Necessity: Social Factors in Religious Belief', The Tablet, no.171, 697. Following an article in The Tablet, no.171, 586-69.
'Now Is the Acceptable Time', Catholic World, no.147, 361-62.
Letter to the Editor, Sign, no.17, 756-57.
'Tragedy of Christian Politics', Sign, no.18, 7-10.

Beyond Politics. London, Sheed & Ward.
'New Community', The Tablet, no.173, 5-7.
'Toward Christian Unity', Sign, no.18, 407-09.
'Vital Question', Catholic World, no.148, 746-47.
'Hitler's Mein Kampf', The Tablet, no.173, 373.
'The Breakdown of the League', The Tablet, no.174, 665-66.
‘Hour of Darkness', The Tablet, no.174, 625-26. Abridged in Catholic Digest, no.4, Feb. 1940, 19-21.
‘The Nation and the European Unity’, The Tablet, no.174, 717-18.
'European Unity and International Order', The Tablet, no.174, 741-42.
'Hungarian Middle Ages', The Hungarian Quarterly, 5(4).

'Century of Change', The Tablet, no.175, 470-71.
'Threat to the West', Commonweal, no.21, 317-18. Reply: N. Matson, op. cit., 385.
'On Nationalism', The Tablet, no.175, 348-49.
Editorial Note. The Dublin Review, no.207, 1-3; 129-31.
'Democracy and Total War', The Dublin Review, no.207, 4-16. In JN.
'Moral Basis of National Unity', The Tablet, no.176, 172.
'Propaganda', The Tablet, no.176, 265.
'Religious Origins of European Disunity', The Dublin Review, no.207, 142-59. In Catholic Digest, no.5, Feb. 1941), 7-13. Abridged in Homiletic and Pastoral Review, no.41, 1941, 528, and in Theological Studies, no.2, 1941, 271-72. In JN.

'Sword of the Spirit', The Dublin Review, no.208, 1-11. Separate publication in the series Sword of the Spirit Pamphlets. London: Sands, 1942. In JN.
'Baser Currency', Catholic World, no.152, 489-90.
'Christian Freedom', The Dublin Review, no.208, 137-49. Abridged in Catholic Digest, no.5, July, 12-18.
'Spiritual Foundation of Order', Catholic Mind, no.34, 16-18.
'Europe and Christendom', The Dublin Review, no.209, 109-19.
'Christianity and Culture', The Dublin Review, no.209, 137-49.

The Judgement of the Nations. London, Sheed & Ward.
The Sword of the Spirit. Sword of the Spirit Pamphlets, no. 1. London: Sands.
'The Natural Law'. The Future of Faith: A Diversity of Views. Edited by Percy Colson with a preface by Lord Vansittart. London: Hurst and Blackett.
'Freedom and Vocation', The Dublin Review, no.210, 1-11.
'Religion and Politics', Catholic Digest, no.4, 49-56. Extracts from RMS.
'Principle of Vocation', Catholic World, no.154, 743-44.
'What about Heretics', Commonweal, no.36, 513-17.
'Papacy and the New Order', The Dublin Review, no.211, 97-104.
'The Foundations of Unity', The Dublin Review, no.211.

The Renewal of Civilization. Peace Aims Pamphlets, no. 20. London: National Peace Council.
Christian Freedom. Sword of the Spirit Pamphlets, No. 5. London: Sands.
In the Power of the Spirit. London: Sword of the Spirit.
'Democracy and the British Tradition', The Dublin Review, no.212, 97-103.
'Europe and the Smaller Peoples', The Dublin Review, no.213, 1-10.
'Politics of Hegel', The Dublin Review, no.213, 97-107.

'Religion and Mass Civilization – the Problem of the Future', The Dublin Review, no.214, 1-8.
'Peace Aims and Power Politics', The Dublin Review, no.214, 97-108.
'Foundations of European Order', Catholic Mind, no.42, 313-16.

'The Two Currents in the Modern Democratic Tradition'. Democracy and Peace in collaboration with Malcolm Spencer. Peace Aims Pamphlets, no. 30. London: National Peace Council.
'Democracy and the Party System', Month, no.181, 127-33. In Catholic Mind, no.43, 513-20.
'Parties, Politics and Peace', Catholic Mind, no.43, 372-73.
'Europe, a Society of Peoples', Month, no.181, 309-16. Separate publication, London: Catholic Truth Society, 1946.
'Yogi and the Commissar', Blackfriars, no.25, 361-65.
'Left-Right Fallacy', Catholic Herald, London, Nov. 9th. Reprinted 1946 in Catholic Mind, no.45, 251-53.

'Education and the Crisis of Christian Culture', Lumen Vitae, no.1, 204-14. In Catholic Mind, no.45, 1947, 266-77. Separate publication in Human Affairs Pamphlets. London: Henry Regnery and Co., 1949.
'Power of Spirit – or Spirit of Power', Sword (Jan.), 1-3.
'S.O.S.', Sword (Apr.), 1-4.
'Italy and the Peace of Europe', Month, no.182, 267-72. In Catholic World, no.166, 177.
(Excerpts under the title 'Margin of Safety.')
'Omnicompetent State', The Tablet, no.188, 98.

It Shall Not Happen Here. London, Sword of the Spirit.
'Religious Liberty and the New Political Forces'. Month,, 40-47.
'The Task of Christian Education', Catholic World, no.165, 463-64.
'The Living Tradition of Christianity', Catholic Herald, Oct. 10th, 3.

Religion and Culture. London, Sheed & Ward. (New York: Meridian Books Inc., 1958).

'Ideas and Beliefs of the Victorians'. BBC publication.
'Relation between Religion and Culture', Commonweal, no.158, 488-90.
'T. S. Eliot on the Meaning of Culture', Month (n.s.), 1, 151-57.
'Vital Question', Catholic World, no.148, 746-47.
'Tradition and Inheritance', The Wind and the Rain, 5(4), 6(1).

Religion and the Rise of Western Culture. Gifford Lectures, 1948-1949. London: Sheed & Ward.
Preface to The Limits and Divisions of European History by Oscar Halecki. New York: Sheed & Ward.
'Study of Christian Culture as a Means of Education', Lumen Vitae, no.5, 171-86.
'European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages', The Dublin Review, no.214, 31-36.
'Roman Catholics in the Modern World', Geographical Magazine, no.22, 471-76. In The Tablet, no.195, 419-21, and abridged in Catholic Digest, no.14, Sept., 59-63.
'Christian Culture in Eastern Europe', The Dublin Review, no.224, 17-35.
'Victorian Background: the Vanishing Protection of the Last Hundred Years', The Tablet, no.196, 245-46.
Review of The English Catholics, 1850-1950. Edited by Bishop Beck. The Dublin Review, no.224,1-12.

Situation Actual de la Cultura Europa. Trans. by E. Pujals. Madrid.
'Religious Enthusiasm'. A discussion of Enthusiasm by R. A. Knox. Month (n.s.), no.5, 7-14.
'Byzantium and the Christian East'. Review of Orient et Byzance: Le Trefonds Oriental De L’Hagiographie Byzantine by R. P. Paul Peeters, S.J. The Dublin Review, no.225, 23-30.
'The Problem of Metahistory: the Nature and Meaning of History and the Cause and Significance of Historical Change', History Today, no.1, 9-I2. In DWH.
'The Christian View of History', Blackfriars, no.32, 312-27. In DWH. Also in Modern Catholic Thinkers. Edited by A. Robert Caponigri with an Introduction by Martin C. D'Arcy. London: Burns and Gates. (New York: Harper & Row Pub., 1960).
'La tradicion de la cultura occidental: sus siete fases', Arbor, no.20, 327-47.
'H. G. Wells and The Outline of History', History Today, no.1, 28-32. In DWH.
'Sanctions of Mass Democracy', The Tablet, no.198, 285-86.

Understanding Europe. London: Sheed & Ward. Excerpts: 'A New Christian Society', Commonweal, no.56, 431-33.
'La expansion de Europa: La colonizacion occidental del imperio Bntanico’, Estudios Americanos, no.4, 27-51.
'La tradicion Norteamenicana', Estudios Americanos, no.4, 349-73.
'The Problem of Christ and Culture'. A review of Christ and Culture by H. Richard Niebuhr. The Dublin Review, no.226, 64-68.
'Christianity and the Humanist tradition', The Dublin Review, no.226, 1-11. Also in A Christian Approach to Eastern Literature: An Anthology. Edited by A.A.Norton and Joan Thelluson Nourse. The College Reading Series. Westminster; Md.; The Newman Press, 1961.

'Education and Christian Culture', Commonweal, no.59, 216-20.
'Education and the Study of Christian Culture', Studies, no.42, 293-302.

Mediaeval Essays. A study of Christian culture. London & New York: Sheed & Ward.
'Education and Christian Culture', Commonweal, no.59, 526-27; no.60, 138-39. In Catholic Mind, no.52, 193-203.
'Future of Christian Culture', Commonweal, no.59, 595-98. In Catholic Mind, no.53, 104-12.
'Art and Society', Four Quarters, no.3, Apr., I-4. In DWH.
'European Revolution', Catholic World, no.179, 86-95.
'Dealing with the Enlightenment and the Liberal Ideology', Commonweal, no.60, 138-39.
'Ages of Change', The Tablet, 203, 489-90.
'St. Boniface and His Age', Month, no.11, 325-32. Also in Saints and Ourselves. Edited by Philip Caraman, S.J. London: Burns Gates and Doubleday.
'Historic Origins of Liberalism', Review of Politics, no.16, 267-82.
'Today's Challenge to U.S. Colleges', America, no.99, 537-38.
'Hope and Culture: Christian Culture as a Culture of Hope', Lumen Vitae, no.9, 425-430.
'Toynbee's Odyssey of the West', Commonweal, no.61, 62.
'Europe in Eclipse', Criterio, (Buenos Aires) (Dec.); Catholic International Outlook, no.15, June 1955, 5-11. In DWH.

Introduction to The Mongol Mission. Narratives and letters of the Franciscan missionaries in Mongolia and China in the 13th and 14th centuries. Translated by a nun of Stanbrooke Abbey. London. (New York, Sheed & Ward).
'Toynbee's Study of History: The Place of Civilization in History', International Affairs, no.21, 149-158. In DWH.
'Education and Christian Culture', Commonweal, no.61, 678.
'Outlook for Christian Culture Today', Cross Currents, no.5, 127-36.
'Rights of Man', South Atlantic Quarterly, no.54, 194-36.
'Problems of Christian Culture', Commonweal, no.62, 34-36.
'Christian Culture in General Education', America, no.93, 63-65.
'Institutional Forms of Christian Culture', Religion in Life, no.24, 373-80.

'Civilization in Crisis', Catholic World, no.182, 246-52.
'Challenge of Secularism', Catholic World, no.182, 326-30.
'Christian Culture, Its Meaning and Its Value', Jubilee, no.4, May, 37-40.
'Christianity and Ideologies', Commonweal, no.64, 139-43.
'Study of Christian Culture in the American College', Catholic World, no.183, 197-201.
'Christianity and the Orient', The Tablet, no.208, I92-73; 196-98.
'Christianity and the Oriental Cultures', The Tablet, no.208, 222-24; 245, 247.'Fall of the Mountain', Forts Quarters, no. 6, Nov., 1-10.
'Relevance of European History', History Today, no.6, 606-15. In MWR.
'Mr. Dawson Replies to Fr. Musurillo', Thought, no.31, 159-60.
'Plus XII: Teacher of the Nations', Contribution to Commemorative Volume for Plus XII's 8oth Year.

Dynamics of World History. Edited by John J. Mulloy. London. (New York, Sheed & Ward).
The Revolt of Asia. London. (New York, Sheed & Ward). In MWR, ch. 6, 9, 10.
'Birth of Democracy', Review of Politics, no.19, 48-61.
'Impact of Religion and the Modern State', Commonweal, no.65, 412-13.
'Education and the State', Commonweal, no.65, 427-29.
'Dr.Toynbee's Turning away', The Tablet, no.209, 268-69.
Review of Documents of American Church History by John Tracy Ellis, America, no.97, 1957, 126.
'The Tradition and Destiny of American Literature', Critic, no.26, Nov., 78f.
'Manalive', The Spectator, no.91, 1957, 398. (Letter to the Editor.)
'Christianity and Oriental Cultures', Commonweal, no.67, 226.
'Universities, Ancient and Modern', Catholic Educational Review, no.56, 27-31.

'Western Culture and the Mystical Body', Catholic World, no.187, 134-35.
'American Education and Christian Culture', American Benedictine Review, no.9, 7-16.

The Movement of World Revolution. London, Sheed & Ward.
España y Europa. Madrid : Madrid Artes Gráf.
'Expansion of Christianity', Commonweal, no.69, 378-80.
'Catholic Culture in America', Critic, no.17, July, 7-9.
'Study of Christian Culture', Commonweal, no.71, 153-54.

The Historic Reality of Christian Culture. A way to the renewal of human life. Religious Perspectives, no. 1. London: Routledge and Keegan Paul Ltd.
America and the Secularization of Modern Culture. The Smith History Lecture, I960. Houston: University of St Thomas.
'Catholic Imprint on America', Catholic Digest, no.24, Feb., 53-56.
'Catholicism, Secularism and the Modern World', Current (Harvard Catholic Club publication) (Feb.-Mar.). Also in Catholic Mind, no. 59, 261-68.
'The Study of Christian Culture', Thought, no.35, 485-93.

The Crisis of Western Education. With a specific program for the study of Christian culture by John J. Mulloy and John P. Gleason. London. (New York, Sheed & Ward).
'Ploughing a Lone Furrow'. Christianity and Culture. Edited by J. Stanley Murphy, C.S.B., with an introduction by Donald McDonald. Montreal. Pam Publ. (Baltimore: Helicon Press).
Review of English Influence in Early American Catholicism by Mother Mary Peter McCarthy, O.S.U., Catholic Historical Review, no.46, 461-62.
'Interview on Church, State and Religious Education in America', Jubilee, no.8, 27.
'New Apostolate of the Intellect', (Grailville Community College speech. Excerpts.) Catholic Messenger, no.7, June, 8.

The Dividing of Christendom. Foreword by Douglas Horton. New York: Sheed & Ward. 'Catholic Culture in America'. Through Other Eyes: Some impressions of American Catholicism from 1777 to the Present. Edited by Dan Herr and Joel Wells. Westminster, Md.: The Newman Press.

Mission to Asia. New York: Harper & Row Publ.
'Ideas and Beliefs of the Victorians'. (New York, Dutton paperback [reprint]).

The Formation of Christendom. (New York, Sheed & Ward).
'Fifty Years of Liberal-Ultramontane Conflict', Triumph, no.2, Aug., 21-24.
'On Jewish History', Orbis, 10(4).

Tradition and Inheritance. (Reprint from The Wind and the Rain, 1949, with an introduction by John Mulloy). (St Paul, Minnesota, The Wanderer Press).

The Dividing of Christendom. (English edition with an introduction by David Knowles). London, Sedgwick & Jackson.

The Gods of Revolution. Introduction by Amold Toynbee. London, Sidgwick & Jackson.

Religion and World History. A Selection from the Works of Christopher Dawson. (Ed. James Oliver and Christina Scott). Image Books. (New York, Doubleday).